On a warm summer day in Southwest England during the ninth year of the reign of His Majesty King George IV, a handsome couple—I’ll call them Mr. and Mrs. Darcy—were out for a breath of air, dashing through the verdant countryside along one of Mr. McAdam’s new roads. They travelled in a jaunty red curricle drawn by a matched pair of high-stepping grays. Pale sunlight streamed through a stand of trees lining the turnpike. A mild wind rustled the leafy branches, barely raising a dust-cloud on the newly laid roadbed.

The unidentified vehicle bore down upon the Darcys; its features soon became distinguishable. Could it have been the Royal Mail Coach out of London led by a galloping team, on its way to Bath? They could see no horses. Instead, they spotted a coachman, or more appropriately a “driver” perched on a seat over a single wheel. He was dressed in top hat and red coat; instead of holding reins he grasped a large handlebar attached to a steering mechanism. Passengers, both ladies and gentlemen, sat above and behind the driver on a dragon-like contraption that belched smoke and cinders and hissed steam from every orifice. There were no familiar sounds of pounding hooves, the slapping and rattling of leather straps and fittings, but rather a mechanically rhythmic thumping, puffing and chuffing and a grinding of wheels on macadam as the monster rumbled forward at a blazing twenty miles per hour.
Mr. Darcy steered the jolting curricle to the roadside where they came to an abrupt halt beside a drainage ditch. He tried to quiet his horses as they snorted, whinnied, and stomped the turf with restless hooves. The “thing” chugged by in a cloud of steam, soot, and dust. Presently, Mr. Darcy turned to his wife with a scowl: “I say, Lizzy, I’m deuced if it ain’t Gurney’s blasted steam carriage!”
Mrs. Darcy frowned and nodded in silent agreement. She lowered her parasol, and then shook and dusted off her white muslin dress. The rumbling subsided; the steam carriage vanished in the distance, leaving a thin trail of smoke in its wake. Mr. and Mrs. Darcy continued their journey in a decidedly less jolly mood following their confrontation with the monstrous progeny of the Industrial Age.
My sketch of an encounter with the steam carriage is fanciful, but such an incident might have occurred on an English road prior to the passage of the Locomotive Acts aka Red Flag Laws that reduced speed limits for “locomotives” to 4 mph in the country and 2 mph in towns and cities, and required a man carrying a red flag to precede each vehicle. These laws retarded the early development of the automobile in Great Britain and their repeal (1894) is celebrated in the annual London to Brighton run for veteran cars.

The steam carriage owed its success to another Gurney invention, the “steam-jet” or blast system that produced greater power in a considerably lighter engine. Interestingly, Gurney’s improvement was incorporated by George Stephenson into his highly successful track locomotive Rocket that made railway travel practical.
For a time, Gurney was associated with the great Scottish civil engineer, Thomas Telford. Telford’s roads had foundations better able than McAdam’s to bear the weight of the steam carriages. He envisioned a British highway system open to steam powered traffic that would compete with the existing canal system and the new railways. There was some interest in Telford and Gurney’s schemes. For example, the famous London to Bath journey was made at the request of the army.
But there were powerful lobbies against the development of the steam carriage, and they had some good arguments on their side. Mining and industry were financially committed to the railways; Stephenson’s improved engines and a faster and cheaper method of producing wrought-iron rails made the fixed track system more efficient and cost effective. The Stockton-Darlington railway (1825) was a commercial success, and that led to the building of the ambitious Liverpool-Manchester line (1830) where passenger trains could run at speeds of 35 miles per hour.

Gary is the author of two historical novels published by Fireship Press: Confessions of the Creature and The Flower to the Painter. See the Fireship Press website for more information about Gary and his writing.
©2012 Gary Inbinder
Nice to see attention being paid to the steam carriages :) The only thing I'd mention to you is about the other side of the equation - the horses' reaction in your sketch introduction! 1 sensible horses who were scared of the oncoming steam carrriage would have whipped round and gone the other way, not broken into a gallop *towards* the thing they were anxious about; 2 - horses who are scared DO NOT WHINNY. They let out huge fearful snorts, and the next thing you hear is hooves running away. Forget the movies.
ReplyDeleteOther than that - great research. Having "Goldsworthy" as a first name must have been something to live up to.
I love this. I'm currently dabbling in Maybach and Benz myself so I find this really fun. I hadn't realised the steam engine for road vehicles had such a long history. Fascinating!
ReplyDeleteBrilliant stuff - Regency Steampunkery!
ReplyDeleteThanks Sue, V.R. and auhtorsanon for the comments!
ReplyDeleteAnd Sue, thanks for the added "horse sense." I wasn't quite sure how the horses would have reacted under the circumstances, but I imagined they'd be put off. ;) The only thing I had to work from was an old illustration of a gentleman on horseback keeping his horse off the side of the road as the steam carriage passed by. It's a subject of some interest. Horses had to be trained to work alongside the railroads and, from the late 19th through much of the 20th century, they had to share the road with cars, trucks and motorcycles, as well. And the early motor vechicles were especially noisy, with a tendency to backfire. But there are many early 20th century photos of horses and autos sharing the roads amicably.
Well-done, Gary! I got a good chuckle of the cameo usage of the horrendously overused Darcy couple.
Fascinating, Gary! (As a retired nurse I picture quite a different device when I see the name Gurney!)
ReplyDeleteThanks, Marina. The Darcys are a nice couple, so I hope I didn't add to the overuse. ;)
ReplyDeleteThanks, Linda. Funny you should mention the hospital gurney. I researched the usage of the term for a new novel set in the late 1880s. Apparently, it was named after an American, J. Theodore Gurney, who invented a horse drawn cab with features similar to the hospital gurney (ca. 1883) And it seems they're called trolleys in the U.K.
But a ride on a steam driven gurney would be quite a trip. :0
"Horses had to be trained to work alongside the railroads and, from the late 19th through much of the 20th century, they had to share the road with cars, trucks and motorcycles, as well." - Yes, that's true. The training often took place with the inexperienced horse paired with a steady one, the steady one to the right of the pole so he could "protect" the other. The training of course wasn't a job for a curricle :) definitely a nice stout, stable four wheeled breaking cart.
ReplyDeleteYes, we Brits do call a "gurney" a trolley. And a trolley used to be a type of 'bus. Confusing, isn't it!
ReplyDeletewow, that is soooo stunning. Thanks for sharing this information.
Horse Decanter